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會員數據 So Klose Member Demographics


A profile of So Klose members:- (updated on 1 February 2020)

The profile of So Klose members are mainly single professionals and executives who are highly educated; middle and high income earners; business travellers, professionals and MDs, etc.

『緣來這麼近』的會員資料:- (更新日期: 2020年2月1日)

『緣來這麼近』的會員主要是單身的專業人士及行政人員。 他們都是擁有良好的教育背景、中產及高收入者、海外公幹的行政人員、專業人士、總裁, 等等。

Membership by Income 會員的收入分佈

According to the results of Q4 2019's Quarterly Report on General Household Survey#, the median monthly employment earnings of employed persons was HK$17,500.

As compared our members' personal incomes with Hong Kong general households' incomes, about 82% of So Klose male members are the top 10% income earners in Hong Kong population, while about 75% of So Klose female members are the top 18% income earners which have annual incomes exceeding HK$600,000p.a.


以『緣來這麼近』的會員個人收入與香港家庭住戶收入相比, 82%男會員的收入是全港收入最前10%的一群,而75%的女會員是站于全港收入最前18%的一群。


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Membership by Education Level 會員的教育水平

Half of So Klose members have Master Degrees or PhD or M.D Degrees or J.D., and the majority of So Klose members have university degrees.

半數會員(51%)擁有碩士學位或以上, 大部份會員(96%)擁有大學學位.


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A significant proportion (68%) of male elite members and female elite members (38%) have studied overseas....

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Membership by Age Range 會員年齡分佈

28% of members are below 35 years old. 35歲以下的會員年齡佔28%。

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Membership by Industries 會員行業分佈

The highest percentage of membership by industries are coming from Investment Bank/Banking & Finance (22%), CPA/Accounting (14%), Education (11%), Medical Doctor/Nursing/Pharmaceutical (8%), Entrepreneur/Family Business (7%), Solicitor/Lawyer/Barrister (6%), etc.

會員按行業比例最高的是來自投資銀行/銀行及金融業(22%), 註冊會計師/會計(14%), 教育(11%), 醫生/護士/製藥業(8%), 企業家/家族生意 (7%), 事務律師律師/律師/大律師 (6%), 等。

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Undergraduate/ Graduate Schools Attended
by So Klose Elite Members

Our members graduated from all over the countries from a variety of faculty schools. As an example, the following list shows the universities from which our members graduated. (updated on 1 December 2019)

Adelaide University

AGSM MBA (the Australian School of Business)

Monash University

University of Melbourne
University of New South Wales (UNSW) University of Queensland (UQ)
University of Sydney
University of South Australia
University of Western Sydney (UWS)
New Zealand
University of Auckland

Queen's University
Simon Fraser University
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
The University of Western Ontario

University of Toronto


Boston University
Johns Hopkins University
New York University
State University of New York
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Davis
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Massachsetts, Amherst
University of Michigan
University of Pennsylvania
University of Southern California
University of Texas at Arlington
University of Texas at Austin
University of Wisconsin-Madison


Bradford University
City University, London
Edinburgh Napier University Imperial College London
King's College, University of London
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Manchester Metropolitan University
Nottingham Trent University
Oxford Brookes University
Queen’s University Belfast

University College London

University of Bath
University of Birmingham
University of Cambridge
University of Kingston
University of London
University of Manchester
University of Napier
University of Nottingham
University of Oxford
University of Warwick


University of Science and Technology

University of Hong Kong

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong Polytechnic University

City University of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Institute of Education

The Open University of Hong Kong

MBA at Wharton School of Univ. of Pennsylvania, US
MBA at AGSM, University of NSW & University of Sydney, AU
MBA at Adelaide University, AU
MBA at HK Polytechic University, HK
Standford Financial Engineering Program, US

Macau Polytechnic Institute

Institute for Tourism Studies, Macau

Universidade De Ciercia E Techologia De Macau

University of Macau

Beijing Normal University

Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan

Hunan University

Jinan University

Nanjing Normal University

Peking University

Sun Yat-Sen University
Tsinghua University

Religious Profile of Our Members 會員的宗教背景

The majority of members (68%) are either atheists or agnostics or don't want to write that down. About One-third of members are Christians and Catholics.

大部份會員是無神論者或不可知論者。 大約三成會員是基督徒及天主教徒。

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